Thursday, 16 February 2012

And so it begins: The lonely ramblings of a music fan cometh

If you've read this coming from my Twitter account, you may be quite surprised to see me writing about things other than the rollercoaster pitfalls and shady back hand dealings that take up my time in Italian football. You will have to forgive my indugence, but when I was given the freedom(and more importantly, the necessity) to write a blog of this kind; I siezed the opportunity to take a self imposed literary break from it all. 

Which brings me to this. Over the next 10 weeks(or longer, if I garner more than a passing interest) I will be writing about the albums that shaped my life, my upbringing, and those that I feel you, victim of my assumption as music fans that are willing to listen to me(poor you) should listen to as well.

Bear in mind, this will not be the type of list you get from Rolling Stone. There will be no Revolver, Sgt Peppers, Highway 61 Revisited or Pet Sounds. As fantastic as those albums are, and as whole hearted as I recommed these various opuses to you(I do, they are all wonderful in their own right), there would be little point in writing a blog about the albums that in some cases, have already had entire books, documentaries, and even films and broadway shows based on. The whole exercise, when placed against the sheer weight of mass critical opinion, would be the very definition of a teardrop in the ocean.

Ergo, I am writing this with a very personal(ahem, biased) perspective in mind. Rather than writing about albums that should influence the masses(and therefore probably did), I will write about the music that influenced me, and those I would like to share with you, that helped form the jilted man you see frantically hacking at the keyboard today.

In turn, I hope that you reader(s - the necessity for plural is still a mystery, we'll see what happens) will take my factually absent rants with some level of seriousness(and a large quantity of salt) give the albums a listen, and you never know, you may have discovered something.

Thats the plan. Well it's not. I just want to tell you why I am the most  underappreciated music fan around, and my taste is so good it deserves a seperate blog, with pictures and examples. Maybe even a slideshow, if you're lucky. Either way, I'm going to write, you might read it, and it could either be life changing or monotonous.

Enjoy. Or not, I don't mind.