"You're still here? Hey, I was going to say that!"
After of the release of the 5th(!!!)
Die Hard movie, where a near 60 year old Bruce Willis attempts to convince
cinema goers that he is still capable of jumping out of windows and destroying
crime syndicates despite the crows feet by his eyes, I have put
together a list of the 5 most over-extended, overdone and
we-wish-it-was-already-over film franchises. Ready? Here we go..
5) Die Hard
Saved by the fact the first two films were actually great, Die Hard began as Bruce Willis’s greatest success as an actor as he a played straight talking, cigarette smoking gunslinger that chased down terrorists and other easy-to-dislike bad guys. Then Die Hard 3 came out, then 4, and now we have 5. Bruce never dies. But we sort of wish he did.
4) Resident Evil
Virus spreads, Zombies run,
it’s always behind you and Milla Jovovic always survives. Resident Evil started
brilliantly – the first film grossed over $102m in the box office but the next
four films soon became stagnant and boring. The story remained the same while
the setting around it changed from abandoned lab to abandoned city to lab, to
city. Even the sight of Jovovic’s nipples piercing through a poorly worn tank
top became dull. Eventually.
3) Saw
The tediousness of the so
called “torture porn” series where the justice obsessed “Jigsaw” abducts, ties
up and gruesomely kills some morally bereft Americans is matched only by the
gut wrenching nature of the poorly lit and over-CGI’d deaths that occupy 60% of
the film. The fact that they killed off the killers character in the third
instalment of the series has not stopped the producers creating a further three
films, with a seventh in 3D, taking the disappointment to an entirely new
medium. ‘I want to play a game..’ Again?!
2) Rocky
Montage, punching, montage, awful
dialogue, montage, snapshot, Sly Stallone’s incessant mumblings
and face like porridge. At first it was ok, when Mr T got involved it became
like a circus act. Still speaking about the prospect of a Rocky VII like he’s
not 66 and a visage that is slowly overtaking his mother’s for shock value, Rocky
is the boxing film that we wished would’ve stayed down at the count.
1) Police Academy
Starting in 1984, featuring 7
films to date and the prospect of an 8th, frighteningly embarrassing
last grab at the cheap humour and age old slapstick jokes that made the
prospect of the original sequel in 1985 seem like a pointless task, Police
Academy is the ultimate in over-extended film franchises. Frankly, it’s amazing
how it took them a year to put out the same film 7 times. Just do one each day
and put us all out of our misery.
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